If you are a business owner, it is highly unlikely that you would not be aware of how important it is to stay ahead in the world of internet marketing. Today, the internet is a tough place to get a foothold in if you are trying to build your own business up. The reason for this is that there are hundreds of such companies as you who are trying to make a name for them. These companies are your direct competitors.
Hence, it is essential to stand out if you want to make a name for your business and ensure you get more exposure. By using beautiful graphic designs, you can attract more people to your website, and by incorporating Instagram based designs, you can get more business success. This article will help you to learn about how you can use Instagram based graphic designs on your business website.
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Why do you need good graphic designs?
It is vital that you have attractive graphic designs because this can help you to entice your users with more ease. Your visitors will be attracted by good graphic design. You will be to catch hold of their attention and then induce them into buying your products and the services that you have to offer. The graphic designs of your business website would need to be not only simple, but they should facilitate easy navigation also.
If you are trying to integrate the designs of Instagram on your business website, then you will find the same simplicity that categorizes Instagram will also be present in your business website. It is this simplicity that classifies Instagram as such a favorite marketing medium on the Internet.
Use a heart-shaped “like button” on your website:
The main reason why Instagram is so popular is that it is highly simple. You must use this simplicity to be the main factor which should guide the graphic designs of your business website. On Instagram, you will find that your “like” button has a heart like a shape. Such a design makes it quite easy for plenty of users to reflect if they are interested in the contents that you upload. Now obviously, you would be having some broad options for sharing and reposting all of these on Instagram. You should use this simple technique also on your business website. This “like” button design is unique to Instagram and extremely useful. You will be able to use any other designs also.
You should be uploading your content along with this designed like button. With this, you will be able to make your users realize that they do not require navigating a lot on your business website to locate whatever they want. When your users like any product, they would be clicking this like button. Your future visitors would also be able to check then how other users had previously liked your photos. After the users notice that your products had plenty of likes earlier, they would be more inclined to check the details of the products also. This is a typical human psychology to put trust and faith in a product which was previously liked by others.
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Put a photo stream feed that can feature all your contents:
This is a unique and popular graphic designing feature that can be borrowed from Instagram and directly put on your business website. The main reason why Instagram is so simple is that it offers a beautiful visual experience. You are not required to upload any textual contents in details. You can direct the focus of your visitors directly on your products. The users will look at your photos. After this, they would decide if they feel like buying it from you. You should accommodate this unique photo stream design on your business website. You should put the photo stream within your website’s design. Upload photos about your services and products in that design. You must place this photostream in the exact middle of the home page of your business website. Keep these photo streams running at all times with the images. You need not add any extra descriptions here. Put the descriptions in the links that would be embedded in the photos.
Display the user comments when you get them:
You must let visitors and old customers put their comments on your product photos which you display on the homepage of your business website. You should be featuring all the useful comments about your products that any user gives and which your other visitors could find helpful. You ought to publish not only the most critical comments but also those comments which praise the products you provide.
You will find yourself getting benefits from this as your customers will appreciate the honest reviews that you put up. This can help in making people have trust in your products. The image of your brand will also be enhanced. You should also resolve customer problems through your comment box on your official business website. Answer their questions and help them out whenever you can. This will show your customers that you care.
You can visit https://gramblast.com to learn more about how you can incorporate Instagram themed graphic designs on your business website. Instagram based graphic designs will make your site more straightforward and more comfortable to use and more visually attractive.
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You can quickly get more conversions, higher numbers of visitors and as a result of this more sales if you have a good graphic design for your official business website. Your design must not only be simple but must help users to navigate effortlessly through your business website. When you use designs from Instagram, your web graphics will be a lot better which in turn can easily attract customers from everywhere. You should also keep your logos, fonts, styles beautiful and simple. The brand identity will be represented by this, so you must choose them carefully. Hopefully, the information that was mentioned in this article will have helped you.