Trendy Ideas to Use Back Painted Glass for Wall Décor

Back painted glass has in modern society been used in decorating home interiors. This glass type is available in many colors which are suitable for use in various settings such as the kitchen, bathroom or even living room. When using back painted glass for home’s interior décor, you should ensure to choose the right colors so that your home does not look boring and unattractive. Right colors are most preferred when you are decorating an interior that is meant to be a focal point. Also, lights are added for better illumination. Neon or LED lights are the most suitable type to be added to the back painted glass. Sometimes, you may need to match the color of the LED light with that of the back painted glass. This combination will create an attractive spot in your house and also make the interior look classy and stylish. If you are in need of adding back painted glass for your home’s interior décor, you need to understand the trendy and stylish design ideas that you can adapt to make it interesting and unique. This article includes some of the ideas that you can use in the home to make it modernized and stylish. Read on to find out more.

Kitchen Backsplash

Back painted glass has been used today in creating kitchen backsplashes so that the space in the kitchen can look brighter and attractive. Brightly colored back painted glass is normally used for the backsplash with additional overhead lighting. The advantage of having a backsplash in the kitchen is that it makes space look neat, classy and is easy to clean. There are many design ideas that you can use to incorporate the back painted glass in the kitchen without interfering with the layout of the accessories on the walls. For instance, you can install the backsplashin easiest waysjust below the wall cabinets so that there is sufficient space utilized in the long run.

Bathroom Mirror Separators

Fab Bathroom Colored Glass

Most modern bathrooms have more than one mirrors to create more convenience for users. However, this mostly happens in commercial spaces where there is a large number of people using the bathroom. With this in mind, space needs to look attractive and stylish. When two or more mirrors are installed on the same wall, they tend to leave spaces between them. The spaces may look unattractive if they have grout lines which are visible. In the spaces, you can add back painted glass of a suitable color. A brightly colored back painted glass should be used to create a positive mood in the bathroom. Using dull colors for the back painted glass can make the bathroom space look boring.

Home Bar Backsplash

Home Bar Backsplash

Having a home bar in modern society is a common occurrence. Home bars are created for the convenience of homeowners, and they could be stocked with a wide variety of products including soft and hard drinks. Making the display area of the bar look attractive can help to create a statement while also making the space attractive. The back painted glass in the bar area is used to ensure the products on display are well highlighted and visible. Sufficient LED lighting is added to create more illumination which makes the back painted glass to be reflective and attractive. Using a brightly colored type is recommended since you want a well-designed attractive design for the bar.

Hiding Ugly Walls

Some ugly walls in the home might make space look boring and outdated. When your wall has faded paint and has areas that are chipped off, it creates a negative image to your visitors. This can, however, be corrected by using back painted glass. Back painted glass of dull colors can be used to clad the ugly looking walls. The areas that look ugly should be hidden from view you can upgrade kitchen with heat resistant glass so that space looks more attractive and stylish. For most individuals, they prefer having back painted glass that is colorful and provides sufficient illumination to the room.

Home Gallery Wall

Having a gallery wall where you can display different types of media is a stylish approach to interior décor. Using back painted glass as a background for the gallery wall can transform the interior of your home from boring to stylish and trendy. A size able back painted glass which could be from the floor to the ceiling is installed on the wall and fitted with hooks. The hooks are then used to hang the different type of media for display. The media should be hung in an attractive pattern that is eye-catching. Also, lighting can be added to the gallery wall that has a ground of back painted glass. Also, the color of the back painted glass should match that of the art to make it interesting to look at.

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