Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are the two most powerful technologies in the business today. Millions of records and data can be analyzed with big data. You should know that big data and AI are the two robust technologies creating a transformation in the business. They empower machine learning, structure the data bank, and make the use of humans to make experiments. With the advancement of these technologies, businesses can acquire real-time insights into business trends. Thanks to businesses devoted to these services like Ververica (, you can enlist professional help rather than having to learn how it all works yourself or getting employees trained up on the ins and outs of it.
Big Data and AI are connected
Both of these technologies are set to create a revolution of transformation. AI machines are trained enough to send and receive data. This data is analyzed by big data to make it meaningful and get insights from it. We can, for example, identify customer behavior through these smart technologies. In a garment industry, AI and big data can be used to get insights into the customer’s interests by collecting the data and analyzing it using algorithms.
You may have heard a lot about AI replacing the jobs of humans. Big data breaks this myth as robots can make decisions but emotional interaction is only possible when humans are involved. This increases the need for AI professionals drastically. Also, data Scientists play an important role by involving their emotional intelligence and taking the right decisions. He can analyze the needs of the customers and inhibit the rules and regulations of the particular market of that region. Depending on the salts used in any medicine, they can suggest the best options for that market, while in case of machine learning it may not be possible.
Advancement of AI and Big Data analytics is bringing in new innovations in the organizations. There is the best possible use of talent in the industry and getting insights into a customer’s interest is no more a rocket science now. A mix of both of these technologies in the market will help the organizations to provide solutions to the customers and machine learning will help provide the solutions to the organizations in the way so that customer sentiment is not hurt. The sentiment of people may vary with diverse culture, language, religion, technology, and tools will be adopted with the same enthusiasm.
Social media will play an active role to increase sales opportunity. Big data tools will be used to source and process the data and store it into the AI systems. AI will do the rest by enabling the marketing stack. Together they will be able to focus on enhancing customer experience and customer management.
Big data and AI are also actively focusing on coming up with a plethora of customer responsive products. The future needs of the customers can be fulfilled using big data analytics and AI by bringing the vision of designing more products into reality.
With a lot of big data into the world, let’s introduce you to a few Big Data certifications-
CAP: Certified Analytics Professional
Offered by INFORMS, the certification focuses on various domains including business problem framing, analytics problem framing, data, methodology selection, model building, deployment, and model lifecycle management. Your skills will be polished enough to make you rule the lucrative career path in big data. Get ready to demonstrate your skills with this certification.
Senior Big Data Analyst (SBDA)
Make your space in the world of analytics with the certification offered by the Data Science Council of America (DASCA). If you want to possess all the skills, go for this certification and then land your dream job. You will be able to train yourself in the concepts, principles, technologies, and tools of statistics, applied mathematics, operations research, and RDBMS in the big data environment.
SAS Certified Big Data Professional
This certification is for the individuals who want to heighten their skills in data programming, accessing, transforming, and manipulating data, improving data quality for reporting and analytics, fundamentals of statistics and analytics, working with Hadoop, Hive, Pig and SAS. It is offered by SAS Academy for Data Science and is ideal for the ones who want to make way in big data.
What are you waiting for? Grow yourself in the market dominated by technologies!
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