Students require a conducive learning environment to concentrate in class. However, learners who suffer from disruptive classroom behaviors adversely affect the progress of the lesson. In this essay, I will discuss the types of disorders that lead to disruptive classroom behaviors. The actions of fellow students and teachers can lead to disruptive behaviors. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are the conditions that cause disruptive classroom behaviors. The essay will further outline and discuss the symptoms and ways of managing the disorders. Teachers, parents, and students can control the disruptive classroom. Therefore, this research provided by expert writers from WriteMyPaperHub (a professional writing service which produces college papers for sale online) will highlight the common forms of the condition and provide a solution to how instructors can manage the situation.
Disruptive classroom behavior adversely affects the progress of children in school. It interferes with the students’ ability to focus and engage in class. The conduct affects other learners in the classroom and leads to the wastage of their time. Moreover, disruptive behaviors affect teachers because they have to deal with unfocused students. Study halls should provide a quiet environment free from unnecessary distractions. Therefore, it is the responsibility of both the students and teachers to ensure that the student’s behaviors do not interfere with the learning process. Disruptive classroom behavior is a mental condition that has various causes and types, which manifest in different forms and can be managed in multiple ways.
Types of Disruptive Classroom Behaviors
Institutions classify disruptive classroom behaviors as either minimum or significant. The former refers to simple unsettling habits, while the latter are the actions that pose a threat to other learners in the lecture halls. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a type of disruptive classroom behavior. Patterns of rowdy and argumentative acts characterize the condition. As a result, students develop hostile attitudes towards people in authority. Very often, parents and teachers may not diagnose this disorder because they tend to assume that the child is just stubborn. However, children suffering from ODD are more disruptive compared to stubborn ones. Educators find it challenging to teach a class with the learners who suffer from ODD because such students are challenging to deal with, and their actions can pose a threat to their classmates.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is another form of disruptive classroom behavior. This condition is common among children and teenagers. However, if not controlled, ADHD can progress into adulthood. The mental disorder affects students and makes them unable to control their impulses. People suffering from this condition are unable to concentrate attention. Additionally, they are easily disrupted in class, which negatively affects their grades. Teachers can help their students to manage the situation before it is extreme.
Anxiety disorder is another type of disruptive classroom behavior, and it makes a child worry and nervous most of the time. The condition may lead to such physical symptoms as rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and sweating. Children suffering from this disorder are unable to concentrate on class activities. Furthermore, they are easily distracted and cannot focus their attention on a specific event for long. Anxiety disorder refers to minimum disruptive classroom behaviors. The condition can lead to animosity between teachers and victims of the state. Therefore, the management requires a collaborative approach.
Conduct disorder is another common type of significant disruptive classroom behavior. Students suffering from this condition demonstrate antisocial conduct. They are prone to stealing, vandalism, fighting, and harming people. Such actions expose them to numerous troubles in school. This disorder needs keen attention because it poses a threat to other people in the surrounding. Teachers, parents, and pupils should collaborate to help the victims of this disorder. Children suffering from disruptive classroom behaviors experience learning difficulties. Due to poor concentration in class and troubles with the school authority, such students are unable to perform well.
Causes of Disruptive Classroom Behaviors
Social, psychological, and biological factors play a role in the etiology of disruptive classroom behaviors. Risk factors for the development of ODD include poverty, moody parents, traumatic transition, poor relationships with parents, neglectful or abusive parents, and family instabilities. The exact causes of ADHD are unknown. However, a combination of factors bears responsibility. Genetics is one of the origins of the disorder. Certain genes that children inherit from their parents lead to the development of the condition. The other cause of ADHD is the imbalance in the level of neurotransmitters in the brain. Moreover, experts believe a specific group of people is at risk of ADHD. Children born prematurely or with low birth weight are more susceptible to ADHD. Humans with in utero brain damage or severe head injuries can also develop the condition. Additionally, those who have epilepsy are at high risk of developing the disease. Anxiety disorder is a psychological condition caused by stress at school or work. Therefore, the disease occurs because of the environmental factors that surround the victim. Moreover, conduct disorder is a result of biological, psychological, genetics, environmental, and social factors. According to the analysis, the major causes of disruptive classroom behaviors are biological, social, psychological, and environmental conditions.
Some of the causes of disruptive classroom behaviors are a result of the social interactions that children have while in school. Therefore, teachers and fellow students contribute to this situation. Schools have bullies whose primary goal is to disrupt and cause pain to other children. Their actions may make victims suffer from disruptive classroom behaviors. Moreover, the condition is enhanced by what teachers do or tell learners. Some instructors are selective while conducting their classes. They discriminate on some students while favoring others. These actions adversely impact the development of learners and may cause the disorder. Some tutors have not mastered the art of keeping classes lively. Consequently, pupils become bored during their lessons and easily distracted. Such learners do not suffer from any disorder, but the tedious nature of the course does not allow them to focus. Teachers and fellow learners are the primary cause of disruptive classroom behaviors. They determine how other students behave or socialize while in school. Therefore, the instructors whose duty is to help students with disruptive classroom behaviors are the cause of the disorder. This situation proves to be a challenge while combating the condition.
Symptoms of Disruptive Classroom Behaviors
The symptoms of disruptive classrooms behaviors are apparent before the age of six. The primary ones include demonstrating inattentiveness, having a short concentration span, and being easily distractible. When performing any activity, these children often make careless mistakes. Moreover, they are forgetful. Due to their lack of focus, learners with this condition cannot concentrate on tedious or time-consuming tasks. They enjoy shifting their focus from one activity to the other. The situation makes them not to abide by the rules due to their resentment towards people in authority. The other symptoms of disruptive classroom disorder include the inability to sit still and be calm in quiet surroundings. Students with the disorder continuously fidget. Other symptoms include excessive talking and the lack of patience. This demeanor adversely affects their progress in school, leading to underachievement, reduced social interactions, and indiscipline.
Managing Disruptive Classroom Behaviors
Disruptive classroom behaviors adversely affect the progress of children in school. The victims of the conditions are always in trouble with the school’s authority, and the process can lead to suspension. Therefore, it is advisable that teachers, parents, and students collaborate in fighting the disorder. The process of containing the condition involves creating a conducive environment for all the students to learn. Making proper conditions can be achieved by preventing disruptive classroom behaviors. Institutions can control the situation by including cause and behavior norms and expectations for the students and tutors in the syllabus. Such a step helps both students and instructors to understand what the school expects from them. Moreover, they can differentiate what is wrong and right. Therefore, they will behave accordingly while in school. The prevention process further requires the instructors and students to discuss the norms and expectations on the first day of class. Teachers should inform pupils how they expect them to act during the course. Tutors try to conduct the communication in a friendly manner and give students an opportunity to contribute to the discussion and offer their suggestions. Taking the opportunity to discuss and agree on the expectations makes children focus because they know the type of behavior that is expected from them. In situations where prevention fails to work, tutors are required to use interventions before the condition worsens. The process is divided into three ways: mild classroom, extreme classroom, and out-of-class interventions.