Instagram and email marketing are two important and integral sides of the one and the same coin. In fact, both have their distinctive features, value, and when you integrate them seamlessly, they could actually spell wonder. Instagram is a wonderful social media platform for showcasing pictures and video for your followers.
Unlike some social networking sites, the most popular Instagram actually focuses on just the subscribers and believes in sending content straightaway to them. So the cornerstone of Instagram success is primarily building and establishing your brand and generating quality leads which would be allowing you to go on promoting the video content and the images that would be boosting your brand’s social media presence and awareness.

Using Instagram
The primary objective of Instagram is to kindle an interest and boost the engagement level among all your followers. Suppose you are a florist, for instance, you post mind-blowing photos of flowers that are sold in your flower shop along with the caption ‘click for coupons’ and the link just below the picture. This seems to be an effective way of promoting interest and gaining immediate outcomes from any advertising campaign.
As per the latest studies, digital marketers consider email as an important strategy in the sales funnel. As per a recent study, email marketing strategies still play a critical role in all your digital marketing campaigns. Even though email marketing was losing its ground in the past few years, it has again sprung back into action with renewed vigor and enthusiasm thanks to the integration of Instagram into it.
We know that sophisticated and experienced marketers cannot afford to rely on just a single platform for fulfilling your marketing goals and aspirations. In this context, it is best to combine an effective social media channel such as Instagram and email to effectively go about executing your campaigns. You could move forward with your marketing plans by combining some tried and tested methods to combine Instagram and email marketing.
How Could Brands Utilize Instagram for Bolstering Their Email Campaigns
Organize a Contest
There are numerous kinds of contests which you could organize on the powerful Instagram platform for driving more consumer engagement and boosting brand loyalty. A contest is surely a great way of involving your target audience and encouraging your customers and potential customers to participate in the Instagram contest.
You could drive more followers provided you allow your customers to participate actively in the marketing campaigns by simply submitting pictures with an additional hashtag. By utilizing the hashtag, the target audience would come to know how different individuals would be cherishing, matching, wandering, and soaring after utilizing the specific brand product. You could get real Instagram likes not only by adding hashtags but also by seeking professional assistance from digital companies.
Incorporate Follow Instagram Button
The most crucial responsibility is to let your audience know of your Instagram presence. Instagram is certainly a new concept for numerous people. So these people are not well-versed in ways to trace your specific brand on the popular social media platform like Instagram. So it is best to add Instagram button at the end of your email or newsletter.
Read:How connected customers will impact your business
How to Get the Consent to Use Selected Instagram Pictures for the Email Campaigns?
The techniques of getting legal rights for the Instagram images actually depend on the way you collect them. Moreover, it is reliant on the sources you are using to gather them. It is important to acquire official legal permission if a small business or a brand wishes to use some Instagram pictures in their official email campaigns. These brands and businesses must ensure that they have permission to use the Instagram images in their email marketing campaigns.
If a brand is interested in an Instagram picture, they could send a DM or a direct message to the Instagram account or consider commenting on the post asking for official permission to go ahead and use the picture. Some Instagrammers would not allow you to use those specific pictures as they might already be having some arrangements and understanding with some other brand or they are expecting some compensation. However, there are bound to be some Instagrammers who would be too glad to share their picture.
When you get the required permission, you must acknowledge and give due credit to that particular Instagrammer for letting you use the pictures. You must remember to notify the Instagrammer at once regarding the precise date when you would be mailing the Email newsletters to all the customers. Do not restrict yourself to simply the newsletters. You could use email and Instagram marketing for precisely landing pages, thank you pages etc and enjoy the boost in customer engagement.