How to Make Your Mac Faster than Before?
If your MacBook is slowing down and not processing things as it should then you are in the right place. We are going to provide solutions to the most commonly faced issue by Mac users.
If you are still wondering that your Mac book would not need a clean-up in 2023?
Well, you are not thinking straight…
There is no doubt that owners of the Apple brand often have high esteem and absolute confidence in the quality of products & customer experience.
Despite the fact that the founders Steve Jobs and Wozniak and their incredible marketing skills have made Apple a great brand today but it is good not to rely too much on the Mac OS blindly. It is better to keep an eye on things that are slowing down your mac.
4 main Mac maintenance issues that are faced by Mac Users:
- Mac is too slow
- Mac with virus
- Disk space problem
- Memory problem
Step by Step Guide on How to clean Your Mac Efficiently?
Let’s have a quick tour of steps to keep your mac healthy.
- Regularly update OSX (be careful, because different versions of MAJ versions that may create compatibility issues with your software).
- Get rid of unnecessary and unused softwares – Make some free space on your hard drive. To do this. Remove files from your desktop, from your trash, your download file, your documents, images, emails, videos … and remember to empty your trash once done!
- Erase your temporary files using Clean My Mac. You can also read Clean My Mac Review here
- Limit the number of apps that automatically start at startup. To do this, go to your system settings> Users and Groups> Opening
- Disable features you do not need such as visual effects and some of the preferences available in the system settings.
- Optimize your Finder and Safari. Launch Safari and go into the preferences to access advanced extensions and settings. Enable the expand menu options in the advanced settings to have more control over your safari options (such as the ability to manually flush its cache). Launch your Finder and go to the preferences so that any new Finder does not open on your folder with all the files!
- Disable services that you do not use such as Bluetooth, all that stuff that is useless, unnecessary languages, voice recognition, Siri.
For better protection your system and ensure a good level of operation and performance, you will need to ensure regular cleaning of your computer.
If you are the kind of person who anticipates, then it’s perfect you will only need to adopt a maintenance routine weekly or monthly depending on your use. If you already have problems with your MacBook, you will need to do a more thorough cleaning, by adopting this routine we will able to clear some useless files and that will also prevent future problems!
How to Clean Your Mac Book for Free?
There are a lot of free techniques to clean and maintain your Mac that you will find here.
You will have to differentiate the turbo cleaning from the regular maintenance tasks:
Check Repair permissions and also check the integrity of your disk:
Unlike a Windows architecture that tends to organize files, Your Mac does a bit too, Mac that is based on a Unix kernel (similar to what is done at Linux) and tends to better tidy the files and better “compartmentalize” them (to make it very simple).
Your Mac uses a system based on permissions between these files which must be regularly repaired to help your operating system to work better.
We can compare this to a defragmentation in Windows even if in practice it does not have much to see. So you will have to repair the permissions between your files as regularly as possible to optimize your installation.
Get Rid of Unused or Heavy Apps:
We all tend to install a lot of softwares that we do not use more than that and that later tend to take a lot of space on our hard drive. It is good to take a tour of installed programs to get rid of unnecessary applications and recover volume on your drive.
For example, I personally always take the habit of moving my DMG installation files to an external drive to keep track of my installers and not clutter my main drive. A good App to help you is WhatSize that will allow you to quickly realize which Apps or large files are present on your installation.
There is now a whole bunch of online storage applications (in the cloud) to store all your big files on an external drive. It may also be good to use a disk for your system (SSD type for better performance) and a hybrid or conventional disk (HDD) for your file storage but we will come back to it later.
Remove Duplicates:
OSX does not offer the Cut-Paste option which is so important for many users (especially those coming from Windows). I did not even understand why this option was not available on OSX at the beginning (and even on old Apple OS), until the day my companion lost all its data during a crash that occurred in full “Moving” all its data from his Windows computer to an external drive…
Morality non-presence of the Copy-Paste has its advantage but still poses the problem of duplicates that are more likely to be created. Some OSX-specific applications like the address book have an option to remove duplicates.
Get rid of Widgets if you do not use them. These are constantly in the background and use resources for nothing.
- Limit the number of apps that launch at startup. Convenient if your Mac is slow to load after launch.
- Regular maintenance
- Empty as often as possible your key folders such as download folders, documents, music, videos … and sort on your Desktop!
- Empty your caches and delete any temporary files.
- Monitor your CPU activity for the apps that use the most resources. Appointment in your applications, utilities and activity monitor.
- Do a scan with an antivirus.
- Organize your files using your Finder thanks to the documents folder. Avoid a council to shield your office!
- Empty your trash regularly.
- These tasks are often quite daunting and in an environment where we are all more and more taken by the daily grind, using the software provided for this purpose can allow you to save considerable time via the automation of cleaning tasks!
Best Cleaning software for Mac in 2023:
Finding and sorting large, useless or duplicate files can take a considerable amount of time and you (like me) probably have no time to spend cleaning your mac daily “manually”!
You are lucky, being equipped with Apple for a few years now, I had the chance to test most of the maintenance software available on the market and intends to present tests of the main players in the market in 2023.
There are of course a lot of applications available with multiple features to program and therefore automate as many tasks as your mac is super slow, rowing or crashes constantly or you have security problems.
You can use softwares like Clean My Mac or App Cleaner to keep your Mac faster than ever before.
Final Words:
In this article I have explained some best ways to clean your Mac. I hope that these methods will help in in increasing your Mac speed. I will keep updating you with latest news about cleaning your Mac.