Why Investments Are Significant?

Investment is indeed an important part of financial stability. If we are investing our money in some right place where we are assured to get benefits, we will definitely acquire a financial stability in some time.

Basically one should be aware of the pros and cons of investment moreover when and where to invest so that the chances of losses be minimal.


Investment is an art, an act of earning the profit while investing the money in the right place in the right time. It should be a priority if one wants to attain a financial security.

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Suppose we are earning one lakh every month from which we spend thirty thousand on basic needs other than that the money left should be channelized? Yes, of course! To make the most out of that saved money one should invest that money in some place which will help him/her to maximize it without any extra efforts moreover in order to channelize the money efficiently investing it in assets or property might help you to gain the profits as well as financial stability, in a short time one must be having a stable financial income from it.

The investment will only help you if you chose wisely where and when to invest.

Drawbacks of human nature

We tend to spend the saved money on waste materialistic things.

As far as human nature is concerned we people plan for a few days or think to plan for investment but we try not to put that plan into action at the right time.

Everyone should plan to invest appropriately so that we can count on the money invested in the time of crisis.

Indeed future is uncertain, no one can bet on what will be going to happen in future but one thing is for sure certain is that if we invest our money wisely we are guaranteed a financial security. Our future will be bright and secured.

It does help an individual to control their money pattern.


  1. Planning plays an important role in every sphere.
  2.  Keeping in mind all those rise and fall situations of the market one should only invest in a relevant plan.
  3.  One should be acquainted with the facts and figures before investment that means being aware of the drawbacks or benefits of stepping into a financial investment.
  4.  Dedicated observation, as well as the determined approach, is the basic requirement for flourishing financial investment.
  5.  Investment should be as per the needs and capabilities.
  6.  It should be purposive i.e. should be clear in objective which helps one to fulfill the basic needs or wants of an individual.
  7.  This form of investment should bring you a satisfaction
  8.  Investment can be of low to a high amount, as per the ability.
  9.  One should explore the market before stepping forward for a financial investment.
  10.  Exploring the options might help one to figure out the best deal for him/herself.
  11.  The investment bazaar is jam-packed with opportunities.
  12.  One can take assistance from the financial planners. I would suggest you contact your bank first. Nowadays banks really have the best investment options and facilities, one such all in one facility would be each bank offer online banking services with the help of it you can do almost anything from the comfort of your home such as open FD account, open mutual funds account, send money from one bank to another bank using IFSC code, you can make any kind of investment using online banking.
  13.  It would be beneficial if you take help from managers who have a thorough knowledge of the market and deals with such kind of business every day.
  14.  Through the help or planners or managers, only one can attain a good knowledge of the market.
  15.  At the end of the day, the decision of investment should be solely yours.


MUTUAL FUNDS: Priority is given to the mutual fund schemes, which are reliable or relevant for all classes of people. Basically, the MF schemes are a managed investment fund in which money is carried out from the investors to purchase the securities.

COMMODITY MARKET: Popular in India, a place of traders where they invest their money.

There are two types of commodity market

1, MCX – Multi commodity exchange ( investment happens in places such as crude oil, precious metals like gold, silver, copper, nickel, zinc)

2, NCDEX- national commodity and derivatives exchange (one can invest in agricultural commodities, for example, guar, soya bean, cotton, sugarcane)

STOCK MARKET: It is that place where a variety of people globally trade and receive the utmost returns on investment. Hence it becomes significant to be aware of the expanding economy of the stock market for investing in it.

EQUITY MARKET: The place where one can invest to earn quick returns

NIFTY MARKET: same as stock market where people invest their money to attain quick responses.

BONDS: One of the unique and popular ways to gain interest on the principal amount.

The interest on money invested or the period of time depends upon the accord/ agreement.

In this case, holder lends a particular amount to the issuer i.e. borrower for a period of time, during this time period borrower is abide to pay the lender a fixed amount of money as per the agreement. After the completion of that fixed time borrower will return your money.

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Bond is “One of the long-term tools for investment”

REAL ESTATE: You can also invest in the real estate as mentioned before and start the dealings with the residential and commercial properties.

For a common individual, it is next to impossible to understand the need of the market exactly so consulting a financial planner is a must before any kind of financial investment.

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